With the open-source PySheets project you can use Pandas and create charts with Matplotlib, create reports in a spreadsheet UI, and share with business people and decision makers.
PySheets is local-first. All data is stored in the browser using IndexedDB. All your Python logic runs in the browser as well. PySheets is written in Python and runs inside the browser using PyScript.
PySheets has AI support to generate code. With PySheets, you can load any Python package and JS module to leverage the huge data-science ecosystem without needing to write much code.
“Client-side spreasheeting, with built-In Python?? Yes please!” - JG
“I love the flexibility of Python with the distinct recognisable spreadsheets interface and visualisation.” - *****@google.com
“PySheets enables array based coding, which I like!” - FK
“Anything that combines cells with python is awesome!” - FG
“PySheets is easy to use and can be customized.” - IT
“Unique fusion of Jupyter notebooks and spreadsheets.” - FE
“I get a process flow diagram, spreadsheet, and scripts.” - B2
“PySheets uses the open source LTK, which has me intrigued.” - AL
“Interactivity + Excel + Never Leave Your Browser!” - PZ
“PySheet bridges the gap between non-technical analysts and data scientists.” - *****@miracalml.com
“Awesome work on PyScript. Pushing the platform to the fullest extent.” - *****@anaconda.com
“PySheets is Excel for folks who are Python first coders.” - NA
PySheets was developed by Chris Laffra, a Dutch software engineer.